“Mirage” – Wire & Wood Palm Tree for the ‘Lizards Gone Troppo’ exhibition in Cobargo
I came up with a brand new concept for this tree, “Mirage” as part of ‘The Lazy Lizards Gallery’s’ “Lizards Gone Troppo“ theme for new experimental work in the ‘Side Room’ exhibition for January 2025. It is currently for sale and on display at The Gallery .
This piece is made from a burnt driftwood base, scrap galvanised wire (8 strands) bent into frond shapes, then poked into holes drilled into the base, with some aluminium mesh that my late friend, mentor ( and fantastic artist) Naomi Lewis gave me, to experiment after the Black Summer Fires 5 years ago…
The segments in the trunk are from a regrowth branch that fell from a burnt trunk, cut into rough slices, with 8 holes drilled in each, sealed with PVA glue and water.
I think this should be fine if displayed outdoors as well.
In keeping with the “Lizards Gone Troppo” Theme, I added a copper wire ‘ verdi gris’ lizard on the base, chasing a copper ant up in the tree.. and some (optional!) ‘coconuts’ to the side of the base..
I have included my draft sketch for this one for you….
Note how the lighting has a strong effect on the ‘shadow’ solid trunk as it is lit in the Lazy Lizard Gallery in Cobargo, down on the South Coast of NSW.